エリテマトーデスは、典型的な自己免疫系の蹄の病気で、自分の抗原に対する体の免疫反応が蹄にダメージを与えることで起こります。 エリテマトーデスは、15歳から40歳までの女性に多く見られ、円板状エリテマ...
For roses, we need to water the thorn Why do we hate lovers? Because they hinder us out of the lime...
He nodded and dropped his head. "Agha sahib was like my second father... God give him peace.? They ...
she screamed. The Hound had leapt down as well. He tore the seat off the front of the wayn and reac...
“You think he’ll let us be?” said Lark. “He’ll hunt us down. Yo...
The whole ceiling was covered with shining glowworms and sky-blue bats, flapping their thin wings. ...
“Madame, you need not remount,” said Dimitri, patient as are all guides. “We can...
"Oh, yes, indeed, sir! I don't want to meet strangers--and--and--I'm not very strong yet.&nb...