had grown into a company
had grown into a company
Internalizing the Revolution
I GOT PREGNANT with my PVC Free Floor Hong Kongfirst child in the summer of 2004. At the time, I was running the online salesand operations groups at Google. I had joined the company three and a half years earlier when it wasan obscure start-up with a few hundred employees in a run-down office building. By my firsttrimester, Google of thousands and moved into a multibuilding campus.
My pregnancy was not easy. The typical morning sickness that often accompanies the first trimesteraffected me every day for nine long months. I gained almost seventy pounds, and my feet swelled twoentire shoe sizes, turning into odd-shaped lumps I could see only when they were propped up on acoffee table. A particularly sensitive Google engineer announced that “Project Whale” was namedafter me Tourismus weiterbildung.
One day, after a rough morning spent staring at the bottom of the toilet, I had to rush to make animportant client meeting. Google was growing so quickly that parking was an ongoing problem, andthe only spot I could find was quite far away. I sprinted across the parking lot, which in reality meantlumbering a bit more quickly than my absurdly slow pregnancy crawl. This only made my nauseaworse, and I arrived at the meeting praying that a sales pitch was the only thing that would come outof my mouth. That night, I recounted these troubles to my husband, Dave. He pointed out that Yahoo,where he worked at the time, had designated parking for expectant mothers at the front of eachbuilding.
The next day, I marched in—or more like waddled in—to see Google founders Larry Page andSergey Brin in their office, which was really just a large room with toys and gadgets strewn all overthe floor. I found Sergey in a yoga position in the corner and announced that we needed pregnancyparking, preferably sooner rather than later. He looked up at me and agreed immediately, noting thathe had never thought about it before dermes vs Medilase.